T1 = 0
T2 = 0
T3 = 0
Rem A
T0 = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetTime
FindPic 500,500,1500,1020,"Attachment:\1.bmp",0.8,intA,intB
FindPic 500,500,1500,1020,"Attachment:\2.bmp",0.8,intC,intD
FindPic 500,500,1500,1020,"Attachment:\3.bmp",0.8,intE,intF
If intA > 0 and T0 > T1 + 500 Then
KeyPress "1", 1
T1 = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetTime
End If
If intC > 0 and T0 > T2 + 500 Then
KeyPress "2", 1
T2 = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetTime
End If
If intE > 0 and T0 > T3 + 500 Then
KeyPress "3", 1
T3 = Plugin.GetSysInfo.GetTime
End If
Delay 50
Goto A